This guide demonstrates the use of meshes in continuiti.
In this example, we will load a Gmsh
file and train a physics-informed neural
import torch
import pathlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation
from import OperatorDataset
from import Gmsh
from continuiti.operators import DeepONet
from continuiti.trainer import Trainer
from continuiti.pde import div, grad, PhysicsInformedLoss
We use the Gmsh
class to read a mesh from a file generated by Gmsh.
meshes_dir = pathlib.Path.cwd().joinpath("..", "data", "meshes")
gmsh_file = meshes_dir.joinpath("mediterranean.msh").as_posix()
mesh = Gmsh(gmsh_file)
vertices = mesh.get_vertices()
# We use longitude and latitude only and scale them to be in the range [-1, 1]
vertices = vertices[1:, :]
vertices -= vertices.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True)
vertices /= vertices[0, :].abs().max()
Problem Statement¶
Let's assume we have a set of temperature measurements and want to reconstruct a physically meaningful temperature distribution in the whole mediterranean sea. We define a data set by generating random sensor inputs and plot the first entry.
num_observation = 1
num_sensors = 5
x = torch.zeros(num_observation, 2, num_sensors)
u = torch.zeros(num_observation, 1, num_sensors)
y = torch.zeros(num_observation, 2, num_sensors)
v = torch.zeros(num_observation, 1, num_sensors)
for i in range(num_observation):
# Select random sensor positions
idx = torch.randperm(vertices.shape[1])[:num_sensors]
x[i] = vertices[:, idx]
# Generate random sensor measurements
u[i] = torch.rand(1, num_sensors)
# The mapped function equals u the sensors
# (but we will add a physics-informed loss later w.r.t to all vertices)
y[i] = x[i]
v[i] = u[i]
dataset = OperatorDataset(x, u, y, v)
Neural Operator¶
In this example, we use a DeepONet architecture.
Physics-informed loss¶
As we want to learn a physically meaningful completion, we define a physics-informed loss function satisfying:
y_physics = vertices.clone().requires_grad_(True)[:, ::100] # Use a subset of vertices for the physics-informed loss
mse = torch.nn.MSELoss()
def pde(x, u, y, v):
# Sensor measurements
loss = mse(v, u)
# Physics-informed loss w.r.t. all vertices
w = lambda y: operator(x, u, y)
Delta = div(grad(w))
y_all = y_physics.repeat(u.shape[0], 1, 1).to(y.device)
loss += (Delta(y_all)**2).mean()
return loss
loss_fn = PhysicsInformedLoss(pde)
We train the neural operator using the physics-informed loss function.
Let's evaluate the trained operator on our initial sensor measurements and compute a test error.
We can plot the mapped function on the whole mesh by using the cell
information from the mesh file and pass it as Triangulation
to matplotlib.
Created: 2024-08-20