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Outputs of operators are functions, so we are able to compute derivatives with respect to evaluation coordinates (as in PINNs). Therefore, it is possible to impose physical laws within the loss function that is used to train an operator!

This example demonstrates the training of a physics-informed neural operator.


import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from continuiti.operators import DeepONet
from continuiti.pde import Grad, PhysicsInformedLoss
from import OperatorDataset
from continuiti.trainer import Trainer

Problem Statement

Let's assume we want to learn the solution operator \(G: u \mapsto v\) of the differential equation

\[ \frac{\partial v}{\partial x} = u. \]

In this example, the solution operator \(G\) is the integration operator

\[ G(u) = \int u~dx \ + c, \]

where we choose \(c\) such that \(\int G(u) = 0\). We can learn this operator by only prescribing the differential equation in the loss function (aka physics-informed)!

Let's choose a set of polynomials with random coefficients as input functions and visualize them.

# Input functions are polynomials to degree p
p = 2
poly = lambda a, x: sum(a[i] * x ** i for i in range(p+1))

# Generate random coefficients for N polynomials
num_functions = 4
a = torch.randn(num_functions, p+1)
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An operator dataset contains the input functions (evaluated at a random set of sensor positions) and a set of evaluation coordinates, but we do not need to specify any labels as we will use a physics-informed loss function instead.

num_sensors = 32
x = (2 * torch.rand(num_sensors, 1) - 1).reshape(1, num_sensors)
u = torch.stack([poly(a[i], x) for i in range(num_functions)])

# Evaluation positions (that require grad for physics-informed loss)
y = x.clone()
y.requires_grad = True

# Reshape inputs for OperatorDataset
x = x.repeat(num_functions, 1, 1)
u = u.reshape(num_functions, 1, num_sensors)
y = y.repeat(num_functions, 1, 1)
v = torch.zeros(num_functions, 1, num_sensors) # labels won't be used

dataset = OperatorDataset(x, u, y, v)

Neural Operator

In this example, we use a DeepONet architecture with the shapes inferred from the dataset.

operator = DeepONet(shapes=dataset.shapes)

Physics-informed loss

Now, we define a physics-informed loss function to train the operator. We specify the (partial) differential equation as a function pde that maps the operator input (x, u, y) and its prediction (v) to the PDE loss. The Grad() function uses autograd under the hood and computes the gradient of the prediction v with respect to the evaluation coordinates y.

mse = torch.nn.MSELoss()

def pde(_, u, y, v):
    v_y = Grad()(y, v)
    return mse(v_y, u)


Putting the PDE loss into a PhysicsInformedLoss object, we can pass it to the trainer and train the neural operator.

loss_fn = PhysicsInformedLoss(pde)

Trainer(operator, loss_fn=loss_fn).fit(dataset, tol=1e-4)


The trained operator can be evaluated at arbitrary positions, so let's plot the predictions (at a finer resolution) along with the (exact) target function!

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As you can see, the physics-informed neural operator is able to approximate the integration operator quite well (for our training samples).

Last update: 2024-08-20
Created: 2024-08-20