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Using memoization for memory efficient benchmarks

In machine learning workloads, models and datasets of greater-than-memory size are frequently encountered. Especially when loading and benchmarking several models in succession, for example with a parametrization, available memory can quickly become a bottleneck.

To address this problem, this guide introduces memos as a way to reduce memory pressure when benchmarking multiple memory-intensive models and datasets sequentially.

Using the nnbench.Memo class

The key to efficient memory utilization in nnbench is memoization. nnbench itself provides the nnbench.Memo class, a generic base class that can be subclassed to yield a value and cache it for subsequent invocations.

To subclass a memo, overload the Memo.__call__() operator like so:

import numpy as np
from nnbench.types import Memo, cached_memo

class MyType:
    """Contains a huge array, similarly to a model."""
    a: np.ndarray = np.zeros((10000, 10000))

class MyMemo(Memo[MyType]):

    def __call__(self) -> MyType:
        return MyType()

The most important part of the above definition is the @cached_memo decorator, which adds the computed value to a module-level cache, from where it can be reused when requested. nnbench.Memo objects do not take any arguments, meaning that all external state necessary to compute the value needs to be passed in the Memo.__init__() function. In this way, nnbench's memos work similarly to e.g. React's useMemo hook.


You must explicitly hint the returned type in the Memo.__call__() annotation, which needs to match the generic type specialization (the type in the square brackets in the class definition), otherwise nnbench will throw errors when validating benchmark parameters.

Supplying memoized values to benchmarks

Memoization is especially useful when parametrizing benchmarks over models and datasets.

Suppose we have a Model class wrapping a large (in the order of available memory) NumPy array. If we have multiple Model instances, but cannot load all of them into memory at the same time in a benchmark run, we can load the (serialized) models lazily using nnbench memos.

import gc

import numpy as np

import nnbench
from nnbench.types import Memo, cached_memo
from nnbench.types.memo import evict_memo, get_memo_by_value

class Model:
    def __init__(self, arr: np.ndarray):
        self.array = arr

    def apply(self, arr: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        return self.array @ arr

class ModelMemo(Memo[Model]):
    def __init__(self, path):
        self.path = path

    def __call__(self) -> Model:
        arr = np.load(self.path)
        return Model(arr)

def tearDown(state, params):
    print("Evicting memo for benchmark parameter 'model':")
    m = get_memo_by_value(params["model"])
    if m is not None:

    model=[ModelMemo(p) for p in ("model1.npz", "model2.npz", "model3.npz")],
def accuracy(model: Model, data: np.ndarray) -> float:
    return np.sum(model.apply(data))

After each benchmark, each model memo's corresponding value is evicted from nnbench's memoization cache in the tearDown task.


If you evict a value before its last use in a benchmark, it will be recomputed, potentially slowing down benchmark execution by a lot.


  • Use nnbench.Memos to lazy-load and explicitly control the lifetime of objects with large memory footprint.
  • Annotate memos with their specialized type to avoid problems with nnbench's type checking and parameter validation.
  • Use teardown tasks after benchmarks to evict memoized values from the memo cache.