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Utilities for parsing a [tool.nnbench] config block out of a pyproject.toml file.

logger module-attribute

logger = getLogger('nnbench.config')

DEFAULT_JSONIFIER module-attribute

DEFAULT_JSONIFIER = 'nnbench.runner.jsonify'

ContextProviderDef dataclass

A POD struct representing a custom context provider definition in a pyproject.toml table.

Source code in src/nnbench/
class ContextProviderDef:
    A POD struct representing a custom context provider definition in a
    pyproject.toml table.

    # TODO: Extend this def to a generic typedef, reusable by context
    #  providers, IOs, and comparisons (with a type enum).

    name: str
    """Name under which the provider should be registered by nnbench."""
    classpath: str
    """Full path to the class or callable returning the context dict."""
    arguments: dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)
    Arguments needed to instantiate the context provider class,
    given as key-value pairs in the table.
    If the class path points to a function, no arguments may be given."""

name instance-attribute

name: str

Name under which the provider should be registered by nnbench.

classpath instance-attribute

classpath: str

Full path to the class or callable returning the context dict.

arguments class-attribute instance-attribute

arguments: dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)

Arguments needed to instantiate the context provider class, given as key-value pairs in the table. If the class path points to a function, no arguments may be given.

NNBenchConfig dataclass

Source code in src/nnbench/
class NNBenchConfig:
    log_level: str
    """Log level to use for the ``nnbench`` module root logger."""
    context: list[ContextProviderDef]
    """A list of context provider definitions found in pyproject.toml."""
    # TODO: Move this down one level to []
    jsonifier: str | Callable[[dict[str, Any]], dict[str, Any]] = DEFAULT_JSONIFIER

    def from_toml(cls, d: dict[str, Any]) -> Self:
        Returns an nnbench CLI config by processing fields obtained from
        parsing a [tool.nnbench] block in a pyproject.toml file.

        d: dict[str, Any]
            Mapping containing the [tool.nnbench] table contents,
            as obtained by ``tomllib.load()``.

            An nnbench config instance with the values from pyproject.toml,
            and defaults for values that were not set explicitly.
        log_level = d.get("log-level", "NOTSET")
        provider_map = d.get("context", {})
        jsonifier = d.get("jsonifier", DEFAULT_JSONIFIER)
        context = [ContextProviderDef(**cpd) for cpd in provider_map.values()]
        return cls(log_level=log_level, context=context, jsonifier=jsonifier)

log_level instance-attribute

log_level: str

Log level to use for the nnbench module root logger.

context instance-attribute

context: list[ContextProviderDef]

A list of context provider definitions found in pyproject.toml.

jsonifier class-attribute instance-attribute

jsonifier: str | Callable[[dict[str, Any]], dict[str, Any]] = DEFAULT_JSONIFIER

from_toml classmethod

from_toml(d: dict[str, Any]) -> Self

Returns an nnbench CLI config by processing fields obtained from parsing a [tool.nnbench] block in a pyproject.toml file.


Mapping containing the [tool.nnbench] table contents, as obtained by tomllib.load().

TYPE: dict[str, Any]


An nnbench config instance with the values from pyproject.toml, and defaults for values that were not set explicitly.

Source code in src/nnbench/
def from_toml(cls, d: dict[str, Any]) -> Self:
    Returns an nnbench CLI config by processing fields obtained from
    parsing a [tool.nnbench] block in a pyproject.toml file.

    d: dict[str, Any]
        Mapping containing the [tool.nnbench] table contents,
        as obtained by ``tomllib.load()``.

        An nnbench config instance with the values from pyproject.toml,
        and defaults for values that were not set explicitly.
    log_level = d.get("log-level", "NOTSET")
    provider_map = d.get("context", {})
    jsonifier = d.get("jsonifier", DEFAULT_JSONIFIER)
    context = [ContextProviderDef(**cpd) for cpd in provider_map.values()]
    return cls(log_level=log_level, context=context, jsonifier=jsonifier)


locate_pyproject(stop: PathLike[str] = home()) -> PathLike[str] | None

Locate a pyproject.toml file by walking up from the current directory, and checking for file existence, stopping at stop (by default, the current user home directory).

If no pyproject.toml file can be found at any level, returns None.

PathLike[str] | None

The path to pyproject.toml.

Source code in src/nnbench/
def locate_pyproject(stop: os.PathLike[str] = Path.home()) -> os.PathLike[str] | None:
    Locate a pyproject.toml file by walking up from the current directory,
    and checking for file existence, stopping at ``stop`` (by default, the
    current user home directory).

    If no pyproject.toml file can be found at any level, returns None.

    os.PathLike[str] | None
        The path to pyproject.toml.
    cwd = Path.cwd()
    for p in (cwd, *cwd.parents):
        if (pyproject_cand := (p / "pyproject.toml")).exists():
            return pyproject_cand
        if p == stop:
    logger.debug(f"could not locate pyproject.toml in directory {cwd}")
    return None


parse_nnbench_config(pyproject_path: str | PathLike[str] | None = None) -> NNBenchConfig

Load an nnbench config from a given pyproject.toml file.

If no path to the pyproject.toml file is given, an attempt at autodiscovery will be made. If that is unsuccessful, an empty config is returned.


Path to the current project's pyproject.toml file, optional.

TYPE: str | PathLike[str] | None DEFAULT: None


The loaded config if found, or a default config.

Source code in src/nnbench/
def parse_nnbench_config(pyproject_path: str | os.PathLike[str] | None = None) -> NNBenchConfig:
    Load an nnbench config from a given pyproject.toml file.

    If no path to the pyproject.toml file is given, an attempt at autodiscovery
    will be made. If that is unsuccessful, an empty config is returned.

    pyproject_path: str | os.PathLike[str] | None
        Path to the current project's pyproject.toml file, optional.

        The loaded config if found, or a default config.
    pyproject_path = pyproject_path or locate_pyproject()
    if pyproject_path is None:
        # pyproject.toml could not be found, so return an empty config.
        return NNBenchConfig.from_toml({})

    with open(pyproject_path, "rb") as fp:
        pyproject = tomllib.load(fp)
        return NNBenchConfig.from_toml(pyproject.get("tool", {}).get("nnbench", {}))


import_(resource: str) -> Any
Source code in src/nnbench/
def import_(resource: str) -> Any:
    # If the current directory is not on sys.path, insert it in front.
    if "" not in sys.path and "." not in sys.path:
        sys.path.insert(0, "")

    # NB: This assumes that every resource is a top-level member of the
    # target module, and not nested in a class or other construct.
    modname, classname = resource.rsplit(".", 1)
    klass = getattr(importlib.import_module(modname), classname)
    return klass